
Wassail Dinner

Wassailing is an ancient English custom beginning as early as 1066. Part of the feasts and revelry of New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day is still celebrated to this day. Traditionally, the master of the English household drank to the health of those present with a bowl of spiced ale, and each in turn after him passed the bowl along and repeated the Saxon phrase “Wass Hael,” meaning “Be Whole,” or “Be Well".

Join us for a Wassail Celebration Dinner crafted by our Resort Executive Chef! The 3-course dinner featuring appetizers, entrees, and desserts is sure to delight! Our children's menu will be available with a mini-feast dinner option. 

Seating in the Rockefeller Room and Red Rooster.
$69 ++ per person. 

Please note that the State of Vermont now mandates guests seated at the same table must be from the same household. Multi-household parties may be split up (if there is space) or not be able to dine with us. 

Holiday Dinner Reservations Required: 802-457-6671


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